Tiny Shops Burgers - Class Mode - Major Update
Class Mode
Class Mode opens up Tiny Shops Burgers from a single player experience to a teaching and learning tool in the class room that can be used from Pre-School and up.
The Class Mode had always been planned from the early design phase and it was largely due to the huge amount of feedback from users of Tiny Shops Burgers that has driven us to deliver this mode sooner.

It has also been a major draw card for the Kindergarten kids. However due to the nature of the game structure/difficulty (time restriction and failure after 3 attempts) it is difficult for them to fully enjoy the game and it's learning potential.
Class Mode addresses all of these issues, by removing the time limit and introducing the maths assistance feature (automatic register and change helper), and it open Tiny Shops Burgers to new ways of engagement for the early stage and stage 1 kids.
Some Kindergarten classes have incorporated Tiny Shops Burgers as a class collaborative learning tool with the teacher being the driver of the lesson. It's amazing what a simple app, an Apple TV and a big screen can create excitement in young kids learning about addition, subtraction and recognition of Australian and foreign currencies.
Lesson Plans
Along with the introduction of the Class Mode, hawt is also busy working on a range of lesson plans which will provide ideas and inspiration on how Tiny Shops Burgers can be used in the classroom. The lesson plans will cater for Early Stage 1, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 as well as special education needs of the syllabus.
Lesson Plans is definitely a distinguishing feature hawt aims to provide in all our education products. We test our apps with kids in a classroom environment with teachers who give us guidance on how best to be able to integrate and use it in the classroom maximising engagement, fun and learning outcome.
More Difficulty Levels
Tiny Shops Burgers now have multiple difficulty settings to cater for the younger kids who just love Tiny Shops Burgers but are finding it a little too difficult as well as those who are smarter and are looking for some crazy challenges.
The Story Mode retain the original difficulty level as "Classic", while introducing a "Trainee" and "Workaholic" level. The "Trainee" mode eases the player into Tiny Shops Burgers with simpler maths, more relaxed pacing (customers stays happy for longer and rarely ever leave the shop) and lower target earning amount. While the "Workaholic" mode takes Tiny Shops Burgers to the extreme with crazy menu pricing and easily agitated customers.
Now there are difficulty levels that will cater for the "Maths Apprentice" to the "Jedi Mathsters"!!
More Currencies
With the fantastic support we are receiving from all over the world, the latest update now have 6 different currencies (plus the Tiny Shops Burgers' generic currency). Tiny Shops Burgers now have Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, US Dollars, UK Pounds, Euros and Canadian Dollars.
We hope to be able to keep on expanding this where possible to cater for more and more local currencies to make Tiny Shops Burgers more relevant for everyone.
Remember, the multi-currency option provide a fantastic way to increase the challenge as well as teaching kids the various type of currencies in the world.
Thank You
hawt would love to thank every review and feedback we have received so far for Tiny Shops Burgers. It's been amazing with all the support we have so far from our users as well as all the great students, teachers and schools whom have volunteered their time in assisting us in building the best educational app possible. We are currently working on multiple new and exciting projects and will need all your help again really soon.